Lovely piece - thanks Isabelle. I was struck by your evocative quote from Paul Kingsnorth referring to how different he might feel if helped on inherited land which he expected to pass on to his children. The inner voice that I heard, rather starkly, was "well, Paul, why not start doing that now?". Obviously thats a huge ask and simplification, at least on one level. However, embedded in that sentence is the recognition of the institutionalised modern, reductionist identity that is promoted and rewarded as the default setting for the dominant culture's presentation of what it means to be a human being.

Unusually for Paul - and perhaps because its just part of a bigger piece - there seems to be an implicit acceptance that this state is unable to be changed. Simply practicing wholeness as a starting point ca be immensely powerful, both intellectually and, especially viscerally and emotionally. This does mean assuming that even the Birmingham Bull Ring is part of nature - and if theres any doubt, of course, a peep over the wall at some of Brum's amazing canal system (more canals than Venice!) will reveal all manner of natures vitality. But check out the moss under the edge of the wall by the car park building, or the blades of grass breaking through the concrete. David Abram (Spell of the Sensuous, I think) reminds us that just holding up our arm and feeling the drawdown of gravity can immediately align us with the en-awe-mous reality of which we are a tiny part. And which is constantly sending feedback about our place and potential within it.

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I would definitely be eager to explore how we can start handing down things to the younger generations, it is true it will start with us! However, as a home-schooled child I understand the urge to reject everything that your parents try to hand down to you, lol.

I really love your perspective, and it's given me tons to chew on, thank you for sharing. :)

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This hits home! I live in what many people call an ugly city, but given that I live along the LA river, where we have so many birds and raccoons and egrets, I don't know I could move anywhere else! To have the best of urban living beside a natural (albeit encased in cement) habitat is a true joy. Plus, I plan on being here for a long time, and the river has plans for restoration of the natural habitat. Move here!! :)

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I love this piece. It's an issue I'm very interested too. Have you read Miles Richardson's book, "Reconnection: Fixing our Broken Relationship with Nature'? Highly recommended.

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Also his blog: https://findingnature.org.uk/

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Ooooo thank you for those reccomendations. I am eager to check 'em out :D

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Thank you so much for recommending the newsletter Isabelle! I have been doing Nature Connection online course and it's been so interesting reading about all the different studies on nature connectedness. I was doing a bit on eco-anxiety the other day and thought of you!

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Oooo I love this! Very jel x

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